Schedule Your Business Energy Audit

Pleasure, Energy, & Business Magnetism

Do you feel like you’re constantly spinning your wheels, searching for that missing piece, while drifting further from the passion that once fueled your business? It's time to eliminate those energy drains and reconnect with your authentic creative spirit.

Schedule Your Business Energy Audit

Clarity & Clean Up

Cleaning up your energy leaks in life and business to break the burnout cycle


Tap Into Turn-on

Reconnect with pleasure & passion for your business & have more fun 


Freedom & Spaciousness

With more spaciousness & fun, you'll start to experience improved ROI on all your efforts


Hi, I'm Nicole

I built a successful freelance business that took off faster than I could imagine. I was making more money than I ever dreamed possible but then I hit a wall. I was overwhelmed and burnt out, and the idea of adding more to my plate felt downright impossible, and my income began to take a hit.

Finally I took ownership, cleaned up my energy leaks, and watched my capacity start to soar. I was doing better work, having more fun, and experiencing the values of freedom & impact that I desired in my business. .

I’ve collaborated with countless brilliant coaches who are on the verge of the success they crave, yet find themselves stuck in a cycle of relentless effort without the desired results. They’re either overwhelmed by a mountain of tasks, waiting for the perfect plan before they begin, or they’re spread too thin, juggling multiple projects without meaningful progress.

Here’s the truth: There’s no perfect plan. If you’re trying to tackle everything at once, nothing truly advances. It’s time to streamline your focus and take decisive action. Let’s transform your approach, simplify your strategies, and propel your business forward with renewed clarity and passion.

You know you want more... make a bigger impact (& more money) yet there's resistance. Why???

There's energetics at play that will thwart your conscious desires until you do the internal work to clean them up. Maybe it's the fear of being seen, maybe it's the dread you feel for taking on too much and potentially letting people down, maybe there's an underlying belief that success equals no longer aligning with the people in your life, and deep down, you're afraid to see what life could hold if things don't resemble all that you've ever known. Your conscious mind says you want one thing, but your subconscious won't let you move forward. 

It's time to do an energy audit... of your life & your business.


Step 1: Clarity & Clean Up

We get clear on what’s working, what’s not working, and what you desire for your business & life balance.

  • Comprehensive Evaluation: We’ll conduct an in-depth audit to identify what’s working, what’s not, and your desired business-life balance.

  • Energy Audit: Analyze where your energy is currently going and where it’s being wasted.

  • Vision Reassessment: Revisit your original vision and adjust based on your business growth and current goals.

  • Business Audit: Review all aspects of your business, including offers, emails, sales pages, and new projects.

  • Strategic Plan: Create a plan to close energy leaks, delegate effectively, and focus your efforts for maximum impact with minimal stress.


Step 2: Tap into Turn on

Get clear on your ideal vision & desires for your business, and the way that it fits in your life

  • Vision Clarity: Define your ideal vision for your business and how it integrates with your life.

  • Inspiration & Passion: Rekindle the passion for your business and discover the joy in what you’re building.

  • Energy Renewal: Engage with projects that excite you and feel effortless, ensuring consistent implementation.

  • Fun & Impact: Learn how enjoying the process can amplify your impact and grow your profits.


Step 3: Freedom & Spaciousness

Set the structures for ongoing growth that protects you from burnout & overwhelm. 

  • Growth Structures: Establish sustainable systems that prevent burnout and overwhelm.

  • Energy Protection: Safeguard your energy and maintain spaciousness in your schedule.

  • Creative Expansion: Experience renewed creativity, increased capacity, and effortless alignment.

  • Continuous Improvement: Refine and adjust to ensure your business continually fuels your inspiration, passion, and profits.

What my clients have to say

Deb Blum

I have worked with Nicole for several years and it’s only gotten better. She genuinely has helped me to become more successful. She has also helped me to complete things that I wouldn’t have completed, or possibly things I wouldn’t have even started. 

Dr. Lynyetta Willis

I’m pretty sure working with Nicole Terrell is what it must feel like when productivity and fun have a playdate 🥰🥰🥰


Candace Burkhart

Nicole is an amazing copywriter, her love and passion for what she does is hands down incredible. She truly takes the time and energy to have your copy sound like YOU! Anytime I’ve had Nicole help me with my copy my engagement has gone up by 50%. If you’re looking for a heart centred copywriter that is truly in it for your success, hire Nicole!


Susan VanScoyoc

Having Nicole write some of my nurture emails for me gave me the momentum to move forward in my business. I was so surprised at how naturally she adopted my voice in her writing. Her copy not only helped me get some emails in place but also provided the inspiration to finish more on my own. I would recommend Nicole to anyone who is looking for an open, honest, masterful copywriter to bring their business vision to life!

Michelle Farris

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Nicole for several months and she is reliable, trustworthy and full of great ideas to support my online business. She has a gift of writing copy that matched my style exactly - warm and inviting. Nicole is wonderful!!

Ready to assess where your energy leaks are costing you precious inspiration?

In 30 minutes we will do a thorough audit of what's working in your business (and life) and what seems to be stuck, stagnant, or downright frustrating. You'll get s simple "Next right step" plan to prepare you to free up energy and be back on the road to fully expressing your magic.